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Tree Support
Main trunk split - trunk bolting 1 to 3 threaded rods inserted.
Main trunk split - medium to larger trees trimmed and an upper canopy cable system installed.
High tensile steel cable installed through tree leads and a locking mechanism installed on cable ends.
This cable system yields the full tensile strength of the cable.
Cables must be installed no less than 60% of the distance between the crotch and the canopy top.
Steel cable systems are a static system - very little give within the system.
Tri-cable system allows for better directional force manipulation to benefit the tree.
Smaller threaded rods and cable diameters can be used for ornamental and fruit trees.
Most upper canopy support systems will need to be moved up every 15 years.
Dynamic Upper Canopy Support System
Cobra Dynamic Support System
This is a dynamic system made of synthetic products woven to provide great strength.
The system is designed to be non-invasive, installed around limbs with the ability to expand with the growth of the tree.
The system is designed to have more give than steel cabling but be strong enough to protect the tree.!
Product comes in various sizes to fit the size of limbs being supported.
This is a more expensive support method but can more easily be reused-moved up in the tree.
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