An Informed Choice

Information is a powerful tool in the decision making process.  When we look at the customers job we have one basic goal – provide the customer with the best information we can about their trees so they can make informed decisions for the furure of their trees.  We believe in the betterment of their property.

We listen to our customers concerns and make recommendations based on providing solutions to their concerns.

These recommendations are carefully given so as to maintain correct practices of Urban Arbor Culture while arriving at a solution that gives the customer the result they are looking for.

What should it cost?

Price comparison shopping works with some tree service purchases. However, the pricing of many professional tree care services can vary widely depending on the circumstances present and how the job is approached. The process used by each company may have significant differences in how the work is done. The level of safety employed and the overall quality of work completed can have a large impact on the pricing structure as well.  Usually, when comparing like services, you would expect prices to be relatively close in range.  This in general is a good indicator of what a job should cost.  The “commonly” priced jobs could be the cheaper ones; or the more expensive ones.  Look for this commonality to help get an indicator of a “Price Norm” for the scope of your job.  Prices that are outside the “Price Norm” range may exclude some services (low price), or may contain additional services (high price) that cause them to be out of "Price Norm" range.  These are all things to consider when price comparison shopping and trying to determine what your job should cost.

So, who is the one?

Choosing the one service for your job should be based on the information received from the services that showed up; the information that you independently collect; and your overall personal assessment of the choices that you have been presented with.  This will enable you to choose the one service that is right for you.


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